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How do I invite teachers and staff to upload to my school gallery?

How to invite others to upload to your albums as contributors.

To invite teachers and other school staff to upload photos to your Waldo albums, select the Gallery (if you want to invite someone to contribute to all albums in the gallery) or the Album (if you want someone to be able to contribute to a single album) you want to add the contributor to, and then hover over the camera icon in the right sidebar. Click on "Contributors" to see who you have already added as a contributor to the album. 

To invite a new contributor, click on "Invite a contributor." You can invite a contributor by phone or email, and then in the dropdown, select whether they can view the photos as well as uploading photos, or if they are only able to upload photos. Then, select whether or not you want to review photos when the contributor uploads them, or if you want the photos from that contributor to automatically publish. Finally, click "Send invite" in the bottom right corner. 

Please note that teachers and/or staff are not required to download the Waldo Photos app to upload photos to your gallery.