Where is my WaldoWed gallery QR code?

Locate your custom QR code (available with Gold)

The QR code is generated for use after you have created your wedding gallery. Find out where you can find your signage on desktop and through the Waldo app: 
On desktop: Visit waldophotos.com, click Login in the top right and login using your phone number, click into your wedding gallery, then select Signage on the right rail. 
In the Waldo App: Download the Waldo app, login using your phone number, tap into your wedding gallery, then select Signage at the bottom of the screen. 

TIP: Display your QR code in convenient places for your guests. Try our "Venue Signage" QR code printable on an easel or in a frame near the entrance. Try our "Table tent" to display on guest reception tables.